Beaming Productions - MIDI east
What's The Project?
1. MIDI east library
2. MIDI east Soundcloud group
3. MIDI east EP from DJ Delay
4+ ....your choice....--
MIDI east is an open project (yes, for anyone) comprising of a MIDI library of East-Euro/West Asian music & open Soundcloud group all rolled into one.
The idea is to focus attention away from audio-sampling and onto feeding all those softsynths lurking on your computer with rich & raw MIDI.
Almost all the music within comes from the Balkans/Turkey - there's some pretty wild stuff in there... The spirit of this project is one of making your own path. Feed the melody into a drum machine, record the melody on the kazoo, doubled with a dubstep synth, splice 4 melodies together - anything you like!
DJ Delay has made some interpretations (BEAM06 Out 28.05.12) from these files & a preview of 4 EP tracks is below.
Artists who have utilized the library as part of the project to date are: DJ Rupture, Zeb, Hifana, Jammin Unit, Deadbeat, Greg Hunter, Watcha Clan & Nickodemus.
What's in the MIDI library?
Over 9000 midi files covering mainly Turkish/Middle Eastern tunes, with some Balkan, Greek are there in the library.
How to use them?
.....entirely up to you... of course. The MIDI data is a combination of live playing and machine-sequenced.
As the live parts have occasional fluffed notes/timing shifts etc.... they sound more natural and any real bloopers just get edited..or not...
Drop the midi file into your DAW of choice...Logic, Protools, Cubase etc.
Note: Ableton live does not handle multi-channel MIDI files. You will get all channels mixed into one - not very helpful!
For Ableton - you must first use cubase/cakewalk/protools/logic etc to extract the different MIDI channel instrument notes and info. Then load each midi file into Ableton separately i.e. drums, bass, melody etc.
Many of the tunes are traditional, but some are published, so check it out if you intend to commercially release your creation - search engines are your friend here.
MIDI files can be previewed on a Mac simply in the Finder and on Windows machines using Windows Media Player.
The files are played back using the default General MIDI instruments.
Where is the Soundcloud group?
When you upload a track you made to the Soundcloud group, it would be good to put the original MIDI file name in the description, but that's up to you.
Where is the MIDI library?
The MIDI library can be found by typing BULBUL MIDI arsivi into your favourite search engine (or click here for google).
This library has been floating around online (author unknown) for a long time now. It is usually available as 2 or 3 rar archive files.
Anyone experiencing difficulty with downloading can contact the label for advice.
Producers are invited to upload their own music produced using the MIDI library to the specially created MIDI East Soundcloud group, making the project organic, open and ever expanding.
Thanks for reading.....looking forward to listening......
BEAM06 DJ Delay - MIDI East EP + MIDI library + Soundcloud group
BEAM05 Municipale Balcanica - Foua 1.1 EP
BEAM04 Sonical - Breakshake
BEAM03 V/A - Beyond The Kolo
BEAM02 Beam Up - Terra Sonica
BEAM01 DJ Delay - Brass Wires & Bass